
目前顯示的是 10月, 2015的文章




Seabeard於Facebook粉絲專頁公告一則消息 因財務因素無法支持一個專案 但是為了廣大的遊戲迷 仍舊會維持正常遊戲運作 近期此遊戲更新將不再頻繁 大致意思是降子 原意轉貼如下,有意會錯誤再跟我說: 「Hi all, Simon from HandCircus here - realise it has been a while since we last posted anything here so just wanted to give everyone  an update on the latest from Seabeard HQ. First of all, I just wanted to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has being so keenly supporting the game since launch. We've been overwhelmed by the outpouring of love for Seabeard and his crew, and it has meant so much to myself and the whole team to know that you have fallen in love with this world and much as we have. While we are super-proud of what we created and that Seabeard was so warmly received, sadly the game's launch wasn't as financially successful as we'd all hoped and planned for. This has meant that we've not been able to sustain development at the same rate as we had been working at previously (which has obviously been pretty heart-brea...


記得還是新手時,覺得撿垃圾的獎勵較高 但是後期總是有撿不完的垃圾 有時還會忘記那邊還沒撿 所以小小整理一下撿垃圾的點 讓跟Zora一樣健忘的人可以回想一下! 第一階段- 海狗灣、伐木島、多拉多礦山、布爾罕農場、拉昂那村 首先接任務的地點就在 海狗灣(5包) 所以接了任務通常我都會先撿海狗灣的垃圾或最後回島撿 接下來會去 伐木島(2包) ,因為我會去接 戰士任務(打怪) 再來會去 多拉多礦山(3包) ,順道接 修灯塔任務 通常只開第一階段地圖時,打怪會在多拉多礦山,所以會打完怪再去其他地方 接下來會去 布爾罕農場(3包) ,垃圾比較少 再來會去 拉昂那村(8包) ,這樣垃圾就差不多了 而開啟第二階段地圖,垃圾任務範圍擴大- 遠古廟廢墟 、智者暗礁 、 陽光環礁湖 遠古廟廢墟(2包) 通常會先去,當擴展到這個地圖後,有時戰士任務也會至此島打怪 接下來順勢返程至 智者暗礁(3包) 再去無憂無慮的 陽光環礁湖(3包) 當開啟第三階段地圖,垃圾任務繼續增加- 阿邦多爾採石場、黑鐵城、狂歡節岩石 同樣地開啟地圖後,打怪任務也會在此島新增 所以會先來 阿邦多爾採石場(2包) 接下來會去 黑鐵城(5包) 收集垃圾 最後再到 狂歡節岩石(5包) 撿完  不過記得撿完垃圾後,記得回到 海狗灣 的回收垃圾機器丟入後,再找原先接任務的人物取獎勵,任務才算完成喔!